Home and theft insurance - European officials
Fire, theft or environmental disasters, ... These are but a few examples of catastrophes that can threaten your house and/or its contents. To preserve your family from such unpleasant surprises, Vanbreda Risk & Benefits offers you interesting solutions.

Basic coverage for your home
Basic coverage for the building and the contents provides a “block formula” that covers the following risks:
- fire;
- storm, hail, snow or ice pressure;
- damage by water and flammable liquids;
- broken windows and plumbing equipment;
- smoke damage;
- electricity damage;
- assessment costs;
- rescue costs;
- vandalism;
- natural disasters (flood, earthquake, …).
The following options can be taken out:
- indirect loss;
- legal assistance;
- theft.

Optimise your insurance portfolio
Would you like to receive a free quote for your home insurance? Fill in the online form, return it completed and we will send you a customised quote.
Do you want more detailed information? Contact us on 02 230 16 60 or send an e-mail to eurinsurances@vanbreda.be. You can also meet us directly in our office.